Save Thousands of Your Hard Earned Dollars, Prevent yourself From Becoming a Victim of Vicious Money Hungry scammers from Ukraine and Russia – Including How to Recognize women who are Real from the Ones who are Scamming You RIGHT NOW.
3:17 PM Sacramento, California
Oksana Boichenko
Have you heard of Ukrainian scammers who are stealing millions of dollars from Western men?
Scammers appeared as far back as late 90s, but have been exceptionally active since 2006-2007. Since then, millions of dollars had been stolen by women in Ukraine and Russia from hard working and trusting foreign men across the globe. Corruption and Financial crime of this sort is booming and scammers in Ukraine become richer and richer every day….
But on the other side the trusting men across the world are becoming victims of deceive, lies and betrayal by someone they believed was deeply in love with them….
So, How are you going to recognize a real scammer? And how are you going to protect yourself from becoming their victim?
Do you want to hear from someone on the inside of this whole scam schematic, from someone who might be scamming you right this moment?
I bet you do, but it’s going to cost you $47 BIG CASH DOLLARS (and yes, that’s sarcasm) to jump on a webinar recording with me and my two guests.
Meet my guest # 1 – a scam agency manager – Kate.
She had been scamming men just like you for many years and today she is here to reveal all the truth of what’s happening inside this “business” and how scammers operate to squeeze funds out men just like you.
Maria who is a manager of the Ukrainian branch of my agency. She is here to share stories of men who became victims of scam industry in Ukraine and of women who were involved in such fraud.
You will learn:
2 basic scam schemes being currently used by the scam agencies and scammers
3 most popular sites (current leaders) where you most likely to start communication with scammers.
What type of women become scammers and why they choose such a “profession”?
How scammers are trained to become professional scammers?
How well scammers are being paid and what is their salary margin?
How scam agencies operate and how they make money?
Letter templates scammers and scam agencies normally use to trigger you into sending money.
How can you know that you are not talking to a real girl?
7 Simples steps to check whether or not your girl is real
And you bet there is MORE….
This on-demand class will only be available for 72 hours, so grab your spot now before it closes…
Why is there a $47 charge?
It is simple. Unlike most webinars, this is NOT a sales pitch, but rather IS a complete workshop (almost 2 hours of pure content) where you’ll get 100% of the tactics and strategies described above with nothing held back. It is also limits the number of chuckle-heads who normally show up for free events, which means we can give more focus and energy to the serious folks who do grab this copy today at discounted price. Plus you get anytime access to the recording… FREE.
I’ll see you in class!
Oksana Boichenko
“Dear Oksana
I write to you after the webinar on Scams which was an incredibly interesting initiative and very absorbing. You are doing the right thing We are all sick and tired of the scams – I was recently ripped off USD 1,000 by a ukrainian girl. I wish I listened to your webinar sooner!
It is very upsetting and many guys like me have just concluded it is ALL a scam – but ALL
In my assessment and experience on Russian Cupid sites EVERY attractive girl is a male photographer scam and there is not a single good looking girl that is not a scam And always from the same locations as you said on the webinar.
Russian women and ukrainian women are the most fascinating women on the planet – they are simply phenomenal – they are intelligent, quick, ambitious, if they love they will die for their man and it is such an intense experience it is really worth it
But it is scam, after scam, after scam – it is so bad many of us guys have just given up
So – your project is wonderful, it differentiates you from the rest and is credible
So Im IN
“Good Day Oxana,
The webinar was very informative and I appreciate any information that I could get regarding this type of dating.
This is such a big undertaking in my life and want to be so cautious, so information you provided is great information. I thank you for your time!
Best Regards, Peter”
“Hello Oksana,
The webinar was very informative, thanks. You, Maria and Kate did an excellent job to reveal so many tricks women use on us. I only wish I knew 2 years ago what I know now, as I would not get scammed for $2500
Thank you for keeping us safe. Have a good day.
I really enjoyed your webinar on Saturday and I was wondering if you had any information about the agency?
I have been chatting with a few women on there website(but gets many many letters) and sometimes it seems just fine then a red flag come up at other times.
Your advice on Saturday was very helpful in spotting scammers. I know now how to check women who write me and I am planning to use all your advices you gave on webinar, thank you. It was shocking to learn that some men were scammed for so much money, I am glad I learned about you before I lost tens of thousands of dollars.
I thank you for your help!